Our Services

What We Offer

For clients in many industries, we provide a broad range of digital transformation solutions and services.


Staff Augmentation

IT personnel is crucial for every company operation to achieve the best possible business growth. So, it is imperative...

Consulting Services

Dataplex provides services to improve the digital customer experience and expedite IT strategy creation, assurance of...

Managed Services

In order to take care of our clients' IT infrastructure, we provide managed services on a remote basis...

Web Development

built on state-of-the-art web standards and technology. From captivating business websites...

Mobile Application Development

Dataplex is working to provide an outstanding mobile experience...

Application Development

We create and deliver business apps for the web, mobile devices, and cloud that range...


Why Choose Dataplex ?

We construct effective digital solutions with a strategic goal using the deep subject experience of our software developers.


Domain Expertise


A-Class Team

Lets talk

Contact now to see us more directly and connect with you in real time.